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Understanding the Maundy Thursday Feast: A Tradition at Anthem Classical Academy

We will soon be entering Holy Week and I wanted to take a moment to share with you the significance of a cherished tradition we observe at our school, and hopefully give you a better understanding of the Maundy Maundy Thursday Feast at Anthem.

Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, is a day deeply rooted in Christian tradition. It commemorates the events of the Last Supper, where Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. This poignant moment holds profound significance for believers around the world as it symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice and love demonstrated by our Savior.

The Last Supper, Maundy Thursday, Easter Feast
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

At Anthem Classical Academy, we honor this sacred occasion by coming together as a school community to partake in a special feast. This gathering serves as a time of reflection, fellowship, and remembrance. It provides us with an opportunity to pause and contemplate the profound love and sacrifice demonstrated by Jesus Christ, whose example of humility and service we strive to emulate in our daily lives.

Beyond the symbolic elements of the feast, the Maundy Thursday observance also serves as a teaching moment for our students. It offers an opportunity to delve into the rich theological significance of Holy Week and to explore the timeless truths of our faith in a tangible and meaningful way.

As teachers and parents, I encourage you all to embrace this tradition with your students and to use it as a catalyst for meaningful conversations about the significance of Holy Week and the central tenets of our Christian faith. Together, let us journey through this season with hearts filled with gratitude, reverence, and love.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we strive to cultivate Christ-centered leaders who embody truth, goodness, and beauty.

Ryan Gorman, Head of School at Anthem Classical Academy

Ryan Gorman,

Head of School

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