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Anthem Classical Christian School choice for Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas private schools NWA



by Bond Pittman

Kindergarten student at Anthem Classical Academy, a classical christian school in Northwest Arkansas
Kindergarteners at Anthem learn about God’s unconditional love and what it means to be made in the image of God. Photo: Maura Dawn Photography

Recently I read my kindergarteners the lovely children’s story You Are Special by Max Lucado. It is a tale of wooden people called Wemmicks who spend their days sticking stars and dots on one another--stars for beautiful faces, physical feats, and intellectual exhibitions, dots for clumsiness, chipped paint, and other shameful qualities. The unimpressive Wemmick Punchinello jumps, spins, and climbs in striving for a star, but his failures result in even more dots. Often he receives dots just for having so many already.

Travis is a boy in my class who is in his second year of kindergarten, wears thick glasses to aid a serious vision condition, struggles with fine motor skills and retaining information, and often gets in trouble for impulsive and disruptive behavior. It’s rare for him to sit quietly in one place for more than seconds at a time. But the morning we read about Punchinello was different. He wiggled, rolled on the floor, and made noises during the first few pages, but as soon as Punchinello was introduced, he became still and quiet. He listened as Punchinello met Lucia, a Wemmick without a single star or dot sticking to her wooden frame, who tells Punchinello she is unmarked because she visits Eli the woodcarver every day. Travis looked attentively upon the picture of Punchinello walking up the hill to the woodcarver’s home. He stayed silent as Punchinello almost changed his mind and ran away, but Eli called out to him by name, drawing Punchinello into his presence to learn two truths that begin to transform him: Punchinello is special and loved because he is created by and belongs to Eli, and the dots and stars only stick if they matter to the Wemmicks who receive them. “The more you trust my love,” Eli says, “the less you care about the stickers.”

Travis listened attentively to the end of the story, but throughout the rest of the day he had incidents of pushing and kicking other children, angrily throwing his school materials across the room, and running away when I called his name. After this last episode, I was at the frayed end of my rope, and I took him to visit the principal. We walked in silence, me fuming and fretting over how to get through to him. Suddenly he stopped, and with his eyes on the ground, whispered, “Miss Pittman?” “Yes, Travis?” I said. “Am I Punchinello?”

For a moment, shocked by the question and this vulnerability he’d never shown, I said nothing. Then I got down on my knees, eye level with him, and took his hands.

“We are all Punchinello,” I said. “Do you remember what Eli the woodcarver told Punchinello? He told him he is loved and special just because he made him, and he doesn’t make mistakes when he makes his people. Do you know who made you, Travis?”

“God. I don’t know why but he made me a bad kid. And I think he hates me because he’s mad at me.”

Because I teach at a Christian school like Anthem, I had the gift of having a conversation with Travis that many teachers are not free to have. We talked about God’s unconditional love and what it means to be made in the image of God. We talked about that bad feeling we get when we do something wrong, and how it’s meant to guide us to repentance and forgiveness rather than make us hide in shame.

In a growing secularized world, where we are all too often like Wemmicks concerned with the trivial and transient, classical Christian schools like Anthem choose to turn their attention to that which is permanent and transcendent. Anthem Classical Academy is a place that will boldly proclaim the truth of God’s unconditional love, the manifestation of that love found in the person of Jesus Christ, the forgiveness He gives to those who seek it, and the meaningful adventure He offers to those who will trust and follow Him.

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by Dr. Jessica Drexel

“It isn't Narnia, you know," sobbed Lucy. "It's you. We shan't meet you there. And how can we live, never meeting you?" "But you shall meet me, dear one," said Aslan. "Are -are you there too, Sir?" said Edmund. "I am," said Aslan. "But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, by C. S. Lewis

You’ve probably never compared Narnia to your local private school in Northwest Arkansas, and I’m fairly certain that the Anthem board members don’t have any talking animals, enchanted trees, healing potions, or magical corridors between worlds prepared for their school launch this fall. However, there are some helpful parallels between the Pevensie adventures in Narnia and a student’s purpose at a Christian school like Anthem.

In Lewis’ classic, the child Lucy Pevensie worries that Aslan—a Christ-figure in lion form—is confined to the enchanted realm of Narnia. She fears that though he is powerful in Narnia, he would be irrelevant once she returns home or grows up, since all the ordinary children who visit Narnia eventually return to their normal lives as they grow older. For them, Narnia is a space of coming-of-age, where each child confronts his or her greatest fears and weaknesses and comes out on the other side stronger and more mature. As they learn virtue and grow closer to Aslan, they also inch closer to their departure from their beloved Narnia. Therefore, Lucy’s sadness is that she and her siblings can never grow into and are never meant to inhabit Narnia permanently; her time there is short and purpose-filled, and she stays only long enough to learn and serve others. But Aslan’s response assures Lucy that Narnia has prepared her to know him more fully in her own world. Narnia is not an escape or a shelter from reality, but a training ground for the rest of her life in the real world.

Like Lucy’s visits to Narnia, the key to classical education is that it is purpose driven: a Christian school like Anthem acknowledges the purpose of the whole person, which is to live faithfully and fully in the world God created. As the Good Soil Report indicates, classically educated students are more likely to live purposefully and virtuously, to consider many different worldviews, and to form friendships with people with different beliefs than their own. And while this isn’t the main goal of a classical education, these students also are more likely to succeed in their work and careers post high school. At Anthem, students will not be taught that God is limited to the institution, but that he exists and is present in every area of life within and beyond the school.

Just as there is a purpose with each visit to Narnia, there is a purpose to a student’s education journey at Anthem. Students do not come to Anthem to escape the world, but rather to live in it fully and faithfully. Like the Pevensies, Anthem students are ordinary Royals, called to know God’s love, to see enchantment in the world, to exercise discernment, and to pursue a life of servant leadership.

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In 433 AD the Celtic High King and the druids of Ireland lit a fire in honor of the sun god, Bel.

It was decreed that no other flame should burn throughout the land for the duration of their festival.

However, in direct defiance of the High King, St. Patrick boldly lit a fire in celebration of Christ, the High King of Heaven and true Light of the World.

This courageous act of worship changed the course of history.

The time has come to light that revival fire once more... in Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas

Spirit fall down, start a holy riot

Fill this place now with the tongues of fire

Oh, break the strongholds, come and unleash heaven

Burn within us, make us bold as lions

This is our revival anthem

Can you feel the darkness shaking?

Oh, we are the dry bones rising

This will be our great awakening

This is our revival anthem

Fill our hearts, Lord with a holy danger

Lead us beyond our fear of failure

We'll fight the good fight in Your strength and power

We'll take back the night, victory is ours, yeah

This is our revival anthem

Can you feel the darkness shaking?

Oh, we are the dry bones rising

This will be our great awakening

This is our revival anthem

You can feel it, you can feel it

You can feel it, you can feel it

We will praise You when our hearts are breaking

Praise You when our world is caving

We will not, we will not be moved

We will praise You till we see Your kingdom

Greater things are surely coming

You are God and You are on the move

Oh, You are on the move

Oh, this is our revival anthem

Can you feel the darkness shaking?

Oh, we are the dry bones rising

This will be our great awakening

This is our revival anthem

This will be our great awakening

This is our revival anthem

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